Cascadia Coastal Coalition
The mission of the organization is to promote disaster readiness, response, recovery and resilience in support of Pacific Northwest coastal communities.
Cascadia Coastal Coalition is registered as a 501(c) 3 non-profit corporation. We are organized and shall be operated exclusively for purposes that are beneficial to the public interest. Donations may be tax-deductible.
Our Areas of Interest are the coastal communities in Alaska, Oregon, and Washington.
Our initial projects center around Medical Care (see below) and Emergency Communications during the inital phase of disasters.
Cascadia Coastal Community Net
Amateur Radio Net the first and third Thursday of the month on Brandmeister Talk Group 31412. For more information and calendar of events.
Cascadia Coastal Colalition (C.C.C.) is organized and shall be operated exclusively for the purposes that are beneficial to the public interest.
- C.C.C. provides consultation and liaison to build coastal public agency and private entity cooperation
- C.C.C. promotes awareness, training and exercise development and coordination
- C.C.C. is a catalyst for statewide and regional coalition development
- C.C.C. pursues diverse sources of funding to support our mission, events and services
Cascadia Coastal Coalition's
Supporting ODART's Whale Run 2024
Cascadia Coastal Coalition supported the Oregon Disaster Airlift Response Team's Whale Run 2024. We worked to coordinate whole community partners at five of the coastal airfields/landing areas in thi\e 2024 field exercise. We also led efforts with State partner, Oregon Office of Resilience and Emergency Management, and with neighborhood groups, MRC and CERT ground crews to develop a process to transport ambulatory people who are relatively healthy but receive regular treatments (e.g., dialysis) that may not be available in a disaster area. These Evacuees would be transported in GA aircraft that would otherwise return empty after delivering much needed food and medical supplies.
Beat the WAVE 2024
Cascadia Coastal Coalition participated in the City of Florence's 'Beat the Wave' Disaster Preparedness Expo.
Cascadia Coastal Coalition is working together with the whole community on the rural Pacific NW coast.
Thank you to Florence Rotary and Western Lane Community Foundation for this recognition and for your ongoing support of our emergency communications project and disaster readiness regional speaker series.