Cascadia Coastal Coalition
Invited Speaker Series
- What: Patient Movement and Emergency Communications Interoperability in a Cascadia Earthquake Event
- Who: Ed James, Western Region Area Emergency Manager, FEMA Region X Liaison Officer, Veterans Heath Administration Office of Emergency Management
- When: Tuesday, September 7, 2021 at 10:00 am
- Where: Three Rivers Casino Resort Event Center, 5647 OR-126, Florence OR 97439
- Admission is free.
What: Two Winter SpeakersWho: Session 1: CMD Jennifer Cockrill, USPHS Health and Medical Disaster Readiness and Response in a Cascadia EventCapt. Cockrill serves as the Federal representative and subject matter expert for US Health & Human Services/Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response for Region X (Alaska, Washington, Oregon, and Idaho). She coordinates with State and local agencies and Tribes to prepare for disasters with medical and public health impacts.Session 2: Virginia “Jenny” Demaris, Lincoln County, Oregon Emergency ManagerLessons shared from the 2020 Echo Mountain FireWhen: Tuesday, January 18, 2022 at 10:00 amWhere: Three Rivers Casino Resort Event Center, 5647 OR-126, Florence OR 97439Admission is free.For background:
What: Two Spring Speakers
Session 1: Yumei Wang from Portland State University who will speak on coastal medical infrastructure disaster mitigation.
Session 2: Sky Terry , NW Regional Emergency Services Director. Emergency Volunteer Aviation Team from NW Washington. and When: Saturday, May 21, 2022 at 10:00 amWhere: Three Rivers Casino Resort Event Center, 5647 OR-126, Florence OR 97439Admission is free.
What: Two Fall Speakers
Session 1: Lynda Zambrano, Executive Director, North West Tribal Emergency Management Council -National Tribal Emergency Management Council
Title: Thunderbird and Whale
Session 2: Jan Glarum, Plans, Training and Exercise Officer, Kitsap County, Washington Department of Emergency Management
Title: Catastrophic Event Playbook: Turning Traditional Response Planning on It’s Head
When: Tuesday, September 20 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Where: Three Rivers Casino Resort Event Center, 5647 OR-126, Florence OR 97439
Admission is free.
What: Two Winter Speakers -- 28 February 2023 from 10 am - 12 pmWho: Session 1: Tiffany Brown, Emergency Manager, Clatsop County. “Disruption and Innovation on the Oregon Coast: Leveraging Partnerships and Programs to Increase Cascadia Resilience”.Session 2: Chuck Perino, City of Albany, Emergency Manager. "My Labor Day 2020, the Trials and Tribulations of Evacuation".When: Tuesday, February 28, 2023 10:00 am until 12:00 pmWhere: Three Rivers Casino Resort Event Center, 5647 OR-126, Florence OR 97439In Person and via Zoom --- Admission is free.
What: Two Summer Seakers -- 5 June 2023 from 10 am - 12 pmWho: Session 1: Loren Flindt, Mountain Wave SAR, DMR (Digital Mobile Radio) & Search and Rescue in the PNW: an Introduction to DMR.Session 2: Della M. Graham, Senior Project Manager, Associate Geologist, Haley & Aldrich, Inc.Vancouver, WA. Statewide Emergency Response Islands Determination: Resilience Planning for Isolated Populations due to Widespread Transportation Failures Following a Catastrophic Earthquake.Where: Three Rivers Conference Center, 5647 OR-126, Florence OR 97439In Person and via Zoom --- Admission is free.
Rural Coastal Oregon Hospital Tabletop
Cascadia Coastal Coalition is working closely with the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) to engage several rural coastal Oregon hospitals in a facilitated tabletop exercise to be held this winter.
Special thanks to the Oregon CISA Director, South Coos Hospital, Curry General Hospital,Lower Umpqua Hospital and Columbia Memorial Hospital! The risk of cybercrime and its impacts are very real. U.S. Healthcare facilities have had an 86% increase in cyberattacks just in the past year. Rural areas are not immune and in fact are increasingly targeted. Steps in prevention, mitigation, planning, incident notification, response and operational continuity for safe and effective patient care are all critical to learn and share.
Special thanks to the Oregon CISA Director, South Coos Hospital, Curry General Hospital,Lower Umpqua Hospital and Columbia Memorial Hospital! The risk of cybercrime and its impacts are very real. U.S. Healthcare facilities have had an 86% increase in cyberattacks just in the past year. Rural areas are not immune and in fact are increasingly targeted. Steps in prevention, mitigation, planning, incident notification, response and operational continuity for safe and effective patient care are all critical to learn and share.